water temperature
measuring cup

for preparing
modified milk

*product protected
by patent law


Advantages of KapuCup measure

  • Easy and quick preparation of the correct amount of water at the temperature of about 40°C for milk powder
  • Tested outside and away from home – while travelling or on the walk – all you need is a thermos with hot boiled water (or hot water e.g. from a petrol station café) and room temperature water
  • Clear and user-friendly marks – readable also for grandparents and the elderly
  • Perfect shape, size and volume – from 60 ml to 240 ml
  • Very helpful for night feedings – the right temperature of milk powder quickly and without doubts
  • Works well also for preparing drinks and teas
  • Easy to keep clean
  • Simple instruction

How did I create KapuCup?

Giving birth to three children in less than 40 months can really bend your reality.

Although there was no problem feeding them, after a dozen of weeks in each case I was forced to go on modified milk.

Parents are more than familiar with how the nights look like at that period – after a moment of piece and quiet, a hungry small alarm lying next to you turns on and explicitly demands something to eat.

What do you do then? You jump out of the bed to sprint to the kitchen and prepare something for the hungry one.

Wait a second, have I boiled water earlier?

Do I have any clean bottle with a teat?

Where have I put the milk? Can’t remember because my older child was teething and I had to take care of him.

Theory? Well, in my case it was an everyday night practice.

The rush, the baby crying and the dream that it doesn’t wake up two older sons at the same time was getting me even more stressed.

Supposing that you can implement you own „perfect parent” program – wash the bottles after each use and have boiled water ready at any time and etc., there will still be a tricky thing to do – to quickly prepare the right amount of water for milk at the right temperature.

I heard that some parents use a microwave oven to do that, if they know what power and time is needed to warm water to the required temperature, while others use traditional methods such as elbow or wrist testing…

One day it just came to my mind that there is a simple way to make my life easier.

All I need is a utensil with clear graduation scale showing how much hot and cold water I need to obtain a perfect temperature of about 40 degrees.

Finally, after several weeks of tests, brainstorming and making prototypes I did it!

I am sure that my experience as a mother helped me create the measuring cup which is going to make it easier to other parents to quickly prepare meals for their children.

Preparing milk​

How much milk do you need? For example, you need 180 ml of milk – as shown in the picture:

Pour room temperature water to the required height of the blue bar saying COLD.

Add boiling water to the height of the red bar saying HOT – up to the indicated level.

Pour the prepared water into the bottle and follow instructions of the milk manufacturer.


Cooperation / Orders


Natalia Kałka NSolution
Dębno Polskie
ul. Janusza Korczaka 8a
63-900 Rawicz
tel: 796 576 582
email: office@kapucup.pl

Where can we buy us:

Where we were written:

Miarka do mleka, jaka temperatura wody do mleka modyfikowanego, karmienie niemowląt i dzieci mlekiem modyfikowanym, jaka woda do mleka, miarka do wody, właściwa temperatura wody do mleka, sposób na właściwą temperaturę wody do mleka, włściwa temperatura wody, sporządzanie mleka modyfikowanego, Ile wody? Jaka gorąca? Jak woda do mleka.

Photos and texts on the website are owned by Natalia Kałka NSolution and can not be used in any way without the consent of the owner.

Copyright © KAPUCUP. Wszystkie prawa zastrzeżone.